Colour My World
Short description
"Colouring my world" works on Each colour representing a single aspect of learning. Viz a viz Red for passion, orange for food (because orange is a homonym for fruit) , yellow represented sunlight and so we used this colour to illustrate climate. Green for the environment, Blue of course is music (the blues) Indigo symbolised the arts and violet (purple) the roman colour of nobility is for historical heroes. This allows us to link sport, heritage, science, music, the arts, the environment and cuisine into a single common project. Crucially the colours combine to create white light and this is symbolic of the full spectrum of disciplines needed to create a rounded education.
Projekti sihtrühm:
Tallinna Kesklinna Vene Gümnaasiumi 6.-9. klasside õpilased
Pedagogical Innovation and Creativity
The innovative nature of this project is a consequence of embracing a 21st century model of the roles of the school, the teacher, the student, the family and the wider community. Our project relies on the premise that information is freely available on the internet but students and students need to actively evaluate that information. The project content encourages teachers to help students find appropriate paths of instruction and to guiding them into becoming independent learners and to be able to develop their ability to evaluate their own progress. It demands active learning by providing activities which require students to ask questions and to find answers through teamwork. It requires students to take ownership of their education inside and outside the classroom. It focuses on key competences as outlined by the DLL and generating confidences with these. The international collaboration within the partnership aims to provide a lifelong model for learning.
Curricular Integration
The project intended to develop that participants ability to communicate in languages both at mother tongue and otherwise . So MFL is developed in a practical context. Active participation in creating coaching manuels for Physical education develop cross curricular themes highlighting presentational skills both within ICT, verbal and film media. During cookery lessons, our students created dishes representing national cuisines of partners. Students participated in workshops presenting drama, music cookery, model making and craft lessons where the undertook a variety of project tasks Studying the lives of the science heroes will contextualise STEM in history. Students will familiarise themselves with other countries’ culture heritage, history, customs and traditions, thus enhancing a sense of personal, national and European identity. This allowed students to be proud of their own traditions while simultaneously developing respect for the traditions of others.
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- Просмотров: 100387
SA Keskonnainvesteeringute Keskus Tallinna Kesklinna Vene Gümnaasium Projekt "Õpime tundma ja hoidma Eestimaa loodust"
Projekti eesmärk: Loodusõpetuse teoreetilistes kursustes õpitu kinnistamine; praktiliste tööde käigus kogutud materjali süstematiseerimine ja tundmaõppimine; õpetada nägema keskkonnaprobleeme ja leidma neile lahendusvõimalusi ning õpilaste uurimisvõimete arendamine; teadvustada inimese, kultuuri ja sotsiaalse keskkonna sõltuvust looduslikest eeldustest. Projekti kaudu süvendavad õpilased teadmisi elukeskkonna seaduspärasustest ning saavad kasutada omandatud teadmisi igapäevase eluga seonduvate probleemide lahendamisel ja loodusnähtuste kirjeldamisel, selgitamisel ja prognoosimisel. Projekti sihtrühm: Tallinna Kesklinna Vene Gümnaasium 5.-11. klasside õpilased Projekti tegevused: Peamisteks tegevusteks on looduspraktika, õppekäigud, muuseumi kollektsioonidega ja lihtsate uuringute teostamine Projekti tulemused: Praktikatundide ja õppekäikude käigus uurivad õpilased ja koguvad andmeid Eesti tähtsamate maavara kohta. Kogutud andmete põhjal koostavad õpilased uurimistööd ja multimeedia presentatsioonid, mida on võimalik kasutada õppetöös. Õpetajad koostavad töölehed ja tunnikavad, mida on võimalik kasutada geograafia-, bioloogia- ja loodusõpetusetundides. Projekti kestus: 11.01.2010 - 30.04.2010
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- Категория: Projektid
- Просмотров: 86105
Euroopa Kolmandate Riikide Kodanike Integreerimise Fond Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni Sihtasutus Meie Inimesed Tallinna Kesklinna Vene Gümnaasium
Projekt: Ei ole üksi ükski maa
Projekti lühikokkuvõte Projekti eesmärgid: Projekti eesmärk on aidata kaasa "Eesti lõimumiskava 2008-2013" ellurakendamisele; kasvatada õpilastes sallivust teisest rahvusest ning kodakondsusest inimeste vastu; õpetada õpilasi nägema ning teadvustama teiste rahvuste erinevusi ja iseärasusi; anda õpilastele võimalusi tegutseda koos teisest rahvusest kaaslasega; õpetada õpilasi märkama, et nad pole üksi võõras keskkonnas ja kultuuriruumis; tutvustada õpilastele tõepäraselt eesti ajalugu ja kultuurilugu; tutvustada õpilastele tööalaseid karjäärivõimalusi ning pakkuda erinevaid iseorganiseerimisvõimalusi. Projekti sihtrühm: Tallinna Kesklinna Vene Gümnaasiumi 5.-11. klasside õpilased Projekti tegevused: Peamisteks tegevusteks on õppekäigud, kohtumised erinevate ametite esindajatega, loengud eesti keele ja kultuuri, Eesti ajaloo teemadel ning koolitused. Projekti tulemused: Tegevuste tulemusena mõistavad õpilased paremini eri kultuuride erinevusi, mille tulemusel suhtuvad osalejad sallivamalt erinevate kultuuride eripäradesse, on loodud kontakte teisest rahvusest kodanikega, tunnevad paremini Eesti ajalugu ja kultuurilugu, on tutvunud erinevate võimalustega tulemaks toime Eesti ühiskonnas. Projekti kestus: 11.01.- 14.05.2010 |
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- Категория: Projektid
- Просмотров: 80003
Project duration: - 01.02.2025-31.01.2027
Target group: 10-12 form students
Poject coordinator: Tallinna Kesklinna Vene Gümnaasium
- İrfan Ataseven Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)
- ТИНК АП ДИГИТАЛ Струмица (North-Macedonia)
- I.I.S. A. VOLTA (Italy)
Project objectives:
- Foster a passion for programming among students and equip them with essential coding skills in Python
- Promote collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving abilities through coding projects
- Raise the numbers of girls in technology and prepare students for the future AI influenced job market
- Increase teacher’s understanding and use of new AI technologies
Project coordinators: Anne-Liisa Antsma, Maria Roy
Responsible teachers: Julia Ratšinskaja, Oleksandr Tsvietkov, Irina Fomitševa
Project duration: 2023 - 2026
Target group: 10-12 form students
- Karlsruger Institut Fuer Technologie (Germany) - project coordinator
- Kauno Tehnologijos Universitetas (Lithuania)
- Eduact - Drasi Gia Tin Ekpaideusi (Greece)
- Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'Educazion e lo Sviluppo Associazione (Italy)
Project objectives:
The main objectives of the Bios4You AR 2.0 project is to sensitise young students to STEM issues related to Bio-Sciences, Bio-Engineering, Bio-Architecture, Bio-Technology, Bio-Photonics, etc and create innovative educational materials thanks to the use of new AR technologies in such a way as to make all much more engaging both from the point of view of learning and teaching by teachers.
The activities of the project that will be implemented are:
- Development of methodologies and guidelines for using AR technology in STEM education with Gamifying content
- Updating existing units with AR exercises, creating 42 new units in English incorporating AR and gamification, and testing the units in schools through organised LTTAs.
- Organisation and implementation of 4 international webinars to present project results and promote the use of the methodology among a wider school network.
Project coordinators: Anne-Liisa Antsma, Maria Roy
Responsible teachers: Marina Aleksandrovitch, Natalja Nekrassova, Julia Ratšinskaja, Oleksandr Tsvietkov
Project duration: 2023 - 2024
Target group: 12 form students
- Lycee la Perouse-Kerichen (France)
- Klaus-Steilmann-Berufskolleg (Germany)
Project objectives:
Improve the students' communication skills in French and German, and acquire new knowledge on the small languages and initiation and implementation of international projects. Create a cooperation network of teachers and students..
Project coordinators: Irina Rayner, Julia Frolova
Responsible teachers: Irina Rayner, Julia Frolova
Links: site (France), eTwinning
Project duration: 2021 - 2022
Target group: 10 form students
- Institut Ítaca (Spain)
- Unye Prof. Dr. Necmettin Polvan Ortaokulu (Turkey)
- Szkoła Podstawowa im. 16 Pułku Ułanów Wielkopolskich w Grupie (Poland)
- Global Education Center B.V. (Netherlands)
- CEIPES (Italy)
- 3rd Primary School of Pylaia (Greece)
Project objectives:
Find solutions and raise awareness for topics such as climate change, global warming, increase of water waste, pollution of water resources. Create a transnational cooperation network of teachers and students. Combine STEM and environmental education to plan and implement E-STEM activities. Promote global citizenship by raising awareness about global issues.
Project coordinators: Anne-Liisa Antsma, Maria Roy
Responsible teachers: Irina Tšistjakova, Jevgeni Suits, Ljubov Orehhova
Links: Facebook group , blog, eTwinning
Project duration: 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2022
Target group: 10-11 form students
- IIS Verona Trento (Italy)
- Zespol Szkol Nr 3 im. Walentego Lipinskiego i Mateusza Beksinskiego w Sanoku (Poland)
- Escola Secundária José Falcão (Portugal)
- Institut Castellet (Spain)
- Ahmet Hamdi Gökbayrak Fen Lisesi (Turkey) - project coordinator
Project objectives:
The aim of the project is to train a new generation who know their cultural heritage, adapt to different societies, have awareness and sensitivity towards cultural diversity, express themselves in society, become enterprising and competent in creating social dialogue, also blend different disciplines together and develop innovative practices by using local arts. Another aim is to contribute to the proliferation of young generations who will benefit from creating different methods during the application of the professions they will acquire.
Project coordinators: Anne-Liisa Antsma, Maria Roy
Responsible teachers: Irina Tšistjakova, Jevgeni Suits, Ljubov Orehhova, Anna Arsenina, Elina Ardla
Links: Facebook group , blog, eTwinning
Project duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2022
Target group: 10-11 form students
- 5o Geniko Lykeio Petroupolis (Greece)
- Instituto Nossa Senhora da Encarnação Cooperativa de Ensino e Cultura (Portugal)
- Stredna priemyselna skola Povazska Bystrica (Slovakia)
- Šolski center Slovenj Gradec (Slovenia) - project coordinator
- Şehit Tuncay Zengin Çok Programlı Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)
Project objectives: to create learning environments where students apply Euclid's fundamentals to geometry, make technical drawing of geometric shapes, digitize geometric shapes using CAD software and print them using a CNC.
Project coordinators: Anne-Liisa Antsma, Maria Roy
Responsible teachers: Julia Ratšinskaja, Oleksandr Tsvietkov
Links: eTwinning
Project duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2022
Target group: 5-6 form students
- Szigethalmi Szent István Általános Iskola (Hungary)
- CEIP Santa Teresa (Spain)
- MEB Ordu Unye Anafarta Ortaokulu (Turkey)
- OŠ Jožeta Moškriča (Slovenia) - coordinator of project
- Karsby International School (Sweden)
Project objectives:
The aim of the project is to help schools afford implementing new activities, go beyond regular school curriculums/ help students find their talent,to develop further the different subjects/skills taught at school,and explore new types of activities.Thanks to the innovative ICT tools, peer work and cross disciplinary activities we hope to include/encourage our students to try new activities.
Project coordinators: Anne-Liisa Antsma, Maria Roy
Responsible teachers: Julia Frolova, Elen Vaino
Links: official website, Facebook page, eTwinning
Project duration: 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2022
Target group: 10-11 form students
- Colegiul National "Mihai Viteazul" (Romania) - project coordinator
- Abbas Sidika Calik High School - Turkey
- Sou Jane Sandanski Strumica - The Republic Of North Macedonia
- Viscardi-Gymnasium Fürstenfeldbruck - Germany
Project objectives:
Promoting of equal right to education for 40% of our students. Increase the motivation for learning among students from vulnerable groups for the next years. Foster the integration process of people with different backgrounds in a multicultural area. Create links between all kind of students in our schools and facilitate everyone access to reciprocal knowledge through common activities. Improve skills and competences such as critical thinking, communication, creativity and team working for better scores in education. Promoting the innovative teaching methods and strategies to develop intercultural competences. Through this project we would like to encourage students to have a look into partners’ classrooms and culture to become open minded citizens, by promoting democratic values.
Project coordinators: Anne-Liisa Antsma, Maria Roy
Links: Facebook group, eTwinning , website
Project duration: 01.09.2019 - 28.02.2022
Target group: 10-11 form students
- Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "R.Piria" (Rosarno, Italy)
- Vilniaus Uzupio Gimnazija (Lithuania)
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Cister (Portugal)
- Çarşamba 75. Yıl Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Çarşamba,Turkey)
Project objectives:
The aim of the project is to develop and promote:
- Social responsibility for immigrants
- Enhance social awareness, consciousness, sensitivity, empathy and tolerance for the refugees and immigrants
- Bringing down stereotypes
- Volunteering and entrepreneurship skills of the students
Project coordinators: Anne-Liisa Antsma, Maria Roy
Responsible teachers: Dmitri Rõbakov, Natalja Nekrassova, Ruslana Sergejeva
Links: Facebook group, eTwinning, website
Project duration: 01.11.2018 - 30.10.2021
Target group: 8-12 form students who attend Arts Schools
- I.I.S.S. "E.Giannelli" (Parabita, Italy) - coordinator of project
- Základní umělecká škola (Vysoké Mýto, Chezh Republic)
- Liceul De Arta "Dimitrie Cuclin" (Galati, Romania)
- Gaziantep Ticaret Odasi Guzel Sanatlar Lisesi (Gaziantep, Turkey)
Project objectives: The aim of the project is popularization of art, both classical (painting, ceramics, mosaic), and modern (e-creativity)
Project coordinator: Alina Siht
Responsible teachers: Irina Tšistjakova, Anna Arsenina, Elina Ardla
Links: project site, Facebook group
Project duration: 04.09.2017 - 03.09.2019
Target group: 10-11 form students
- Yildizeli Cok programli Anadolu Lisesi (Yildizeli / Sivas, Turkey)
- Instituto D’Istruzione Superiore “R. Piria” (Rosarno, Italy)
- Externato Cooperativo da Benedita (Benedita, Portugal)
Project objectives: The project aims to enable students to improve problem solving skills and acquire knowledge of the relationship between mathematics and programming, computer science and basic knowledge of electronics.
Project coordinator: Alina Siht
Responsible teachers: Julia Ratšinskaja, Oleksandr Tsvietkov
Links: project site, Facebook page
Project duration: 01.07.2016 - 01.07.2017
Target group: English teachers
Partners: The Academy at Shotton Hall (Peterlee, UK)
Projet objectivities: The aim of the project is to enhance the professional skills and competences of the staff of TKVG, in particular:
- to improve their abilities to respond to individual learner’s needs and to deal with their social, cultural and linguistic diversity;
- to contribute to development of upgraded teaching methods and innovative approaches to learning;
- to promote the formal recognition of skills and competences acquired through professional development activities abroad;
- to be able to develop a European dimension in school education.
Project coordinator: Julia Grištšenko
Links: project details
Project duration:
Target group:
- Liceo Ettore Majorana (Desio, Italy)
- GTO Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi (Gaziantep, Turkey)
- Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi Auto (Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania)
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Póvoa de Lanhoso (Póvoa de Lanhoso, Portugal)
- 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro (Oreokastro, Greece)
- Lycée polyvalent Boisjoly Potier Le Tampon (La Réunion, France)
Projet objectivities: The aim of the project is to enable students to consolidate academic learning andextend and apply their understanding, and encourage them to solve real-world problems, to participate in social and political life and in volunteers associations, enhancing their sense of European citizenship, as well as essential humanitarian values. We will develop participant's lifelong learning and employment prospects through building a range of transferable skills such as entrepreneurship, communication skills, engagement in mobility, self-organizing and independent and collaborative learning as well as to encourage the participation of young people in democratic life in Europe, through non- formal learning activities.
Project coordinator: Alina Siht
Links: project site, Facebook group
Project duration:
Target group:
- I.I.S.S. "E.Giannelli", Italy
- Conservatorio Profesional “Guitarrista José Tomás”, Spain
- BRIT School , the United Kingdom
- Zaklandi umelecka skola, the Czech Republic
- Vilnius J. Tallat-Kelpsos Conservatoire, Lithuania
- Liceul de Artă, Romania
- Gaziantep Ticaret Odasi Guzel Santlar Lisesi, Turkey
- The Max-Reger-Gymasium, Germany
Projet objectivities: The whole project idea is structured upon the belief of the need to develop 21st century skills.The 21st century skills are a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed—by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers, and others—to be critically important to success in today’s world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces.
Project coordinator: Alina Siht
Responsible teachers: Jevgeni Suits, Ljubov Orehhova
Links: project details
Project duration: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2017
Target group:
- I.I.S. Enrico Fermi (Montesarchio, Italy)
- Colegio Paidos Dénia (Dénia, Alicante, Spain) - coordinator of project
- Discovery school (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
- The Academy at Shotton Hall (Peterlee, United Kingdom)
Projet objectivities: The project's main objective is to apply gamification to the educational field, using ludic activities to learn. It's a perfect cooperative tool which allow us to bring Maths clother to our students.
Project coordinator: Alina Siht
Project duration: 30.09.2014 - 30.09.2016
Target group: Math and ICT teachers
Partners: Comprehensive College in Vestmannaeyjar (Iceland)
Projet objectivities: The main idea of the project is to develop project-based and research-based training strategies and learning scenarios in Math and Science studies both in classrooms and outside. For such forms of education, mobility and ubiquity are important, so one of the focuses of the project is the use of mobile devices (tablets) in teaching and learning. Project involves: communication with the aim of stimulating short-term cooperation, teacher’s competence and capacity building; ICT teaching strategies and learning scenarios development; attempt to qualify the benefits of mobile technology in education and the infrastructure needed to support mobile activities; face-to-face and online teacher training; encouraging teachers to create their own learning and assessment materials of the new type.
Project coordinator: Ljudmilla Roždestvenskaja
Responsible teachers: Julia Ratšinskaja, Julia Grištšenko, Irina Haitina, Larissa Repihha, Ljudmila Svirina, Marina Sedneva, Natalja Artamonova
Links: project site, Facebook group
Project duration: 01.09.2013-30.05.2015
Target group: 6-9 form students
- Bulgaria
- Cyprus
- United Kingdom
- Finland
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Turkey
Projet objectivities: The guiding principle of this project was to enhance our students’ lifelong opportunities for employability and study opportunities in a modern Europe handicapped by the economic crisis. Our project intended to develop students’ confidence, communication skills and higher order thinking strategies. We aimed to fully embrace the 21st Century classroom, in terms of modern technologies, teaching strategies and project content and to recognise the diversity of our students in terms of ethnic background or multiplicity of family structures Project was thematically centred around the colours of the rainbow and we applied them as symbols to specific themes The rainbow was chosen because it is a universal symbol of unity and diversity - much like the peoples of the EU. It represented collective action.
Project coordinator: Alina Siht
Links: project site
- Информация о материале
- Категория: Projektid
- Просмотров: 61110